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Forbiosensing, our activities in the Białowieża Forest: Conservation of weather stations in winter

A website - Meteoportal was created in the ForBioSensing project due to the need to access current, accurate meteorological information. Its users have the opportunity to check the current state of weather parameters in various regions of the Białowieża Forest.

Measurements at meteorological stations are performed automatically every 10 minutes. With little effort, we have real-time access to very detailed data. The website presents readings from three meteorological stations, located in three forest clearings in Białowieża. Thanks to it, you can see what the temperature is in the Forest, how much snow has fallen or if there were strong gusts of wind in it.

In connection with the storm of winter in the Forest, this week field workers started cleaning the station area. The team deals with the maintenance of meteorological stations on an ongoing basis - it removes seasonal pollution and possible defects.

A shovel turned out to be a valuable tool (as it is in the winter season), thanks to which order has returned to weather stations.
The current data is displayed on our website www.forbiosensing.pl in the Meteoportal tab.

text. W.Duranowska
photos. K.Pilch