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It is freezing cold in the Białowieża Forest, low temperatures have been recorded!
During the tasks performed in the project, the Forbiosensing team collects data on many features of trees and stands of the Białowieża Forest. Their condition and development depends, among other things, on the weather conditions in the forest.
❄ Weather stations recorded the temperature on the night of January 17-18, 2021
-24.7°C (air temperature 2m above the ground).
It was recorded by the Jagiellońskie station, one of the 3 meteorological stations located in three forest clearings in Białowieża as part of the ForBioSensing project.
To learn more about the idea of creating this platform, please visit the project website: www.forbiosensing.pl. The current meteorological readings in the Forest are available on the above website, in the Meteoportal tab.
photo. FBS
tekst. W.Duranowska