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New article published in the "Remote sensing" journal
One of the most important tasks related to the implementation of the ForBioSensing project under the LIFE program is cooperation with other entities - Networking. This task enables the exchange of knowledge and experience, establishing contacts as well as presenting the implemented activitie as part of ventures.
Among the mentioned entities, with which ForBioSensing cooperates in the framework of "networking", are those that also use aviation data acquisition methods. Thus, in today's news we would like to present you with one of the forms of networking, which ForBioSensing had the pleasure to be part of: a publication that presents the initiative to integrate teams that collect and process ALS data (Airborne Laser Scanning).
In the article "Global Airborne Laser Scanning Data Providers Database (GlobALS) - A New Tool for Monitoring Ecosystems and Biodiversity", published in the "Remote sensing" journal, attention was drawn to the fact that the ALS data capabilities are not fully used due to among others on restrictions on their availability.
The answer to this issue is the creation of the Global Aeronautical Laser Data Network (GlobALS) as a global network of ALS data providers, which aims to connect people interested in research and many issues related to monitoring of natural resources and biodiversity.
This article describes this instrument to promote participation and spread the GlobALS initiative.
We encourage you to read: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/12/11/1877
Text. W.Duranowska, K.Stereńczak
photo. Remote Sensing