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Scientific article published in the Forests journal
We invite you to start a new day, not only with coffee, but also with reading.
A scientific article just published in collaboration with ForBioSensing employees and the Forest Research Institute, titled "Health Assessment and Genetic Structure of Monumental Norway Spruce Trees during A Bark Beetle (Ips typographus L.) Outbreak in the Białowieża Forest District, Poland |, which appeared in the Forests journal.
The article discusses the subject of health and structure assessment of 47 "Nature monuments" of the Norway Spruce during the gradation of the bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) in a forest complex with various forms of nature protection and development, which is # PuszczaBiałowieska.
The analysis was performed, among others, using ✈️ aviation data methods used as part of the Forbiosensing project.
We invite you to read: https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4907/11/6/647/htm
text. W.Duranowska, D.Korzybski
photo. mdpi.com