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ForBioSensing, admiring biodiversity: The number of bisons in the Białowieża Forest is growing!
During monitoring works, ForBioSensing employees often have the opportunity to observe the beauty of the forest - both its fauna and flora. Some of these observations can be admired on our social media in a specially created block of news titled "Admiring biodiversity."
As you remember, we have witnessed the first presence of a bear in the Polish part of the Białowieża Forest for a long time. And during everyday field work, we have the pleasure to associate with one of the largest representatives of the fauna - the bison. We are pleased to announce that BPN has just published the number of bisons living in Polish closed and free farms in 2019.
According to BPN data, 2048 individuals live in the wild, while in farms - 221 (84 males and 137 females), i.e. a total of 2269 bison. We are pleased that the number of these animals is systematically growing every year. A large increase is particularly visible in the Białowieża Forest, where 770 bison already live.
Everyone interested is invited to read the full report: https://bpn.com.pl/images/stories/news/2020/2403/stan_zubrow_w_polskich_hodowlach_2019.pdf
Text. W.Duranowska
Photo. K.Pilch