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ForBioSensing at the conference "Archaeological heritage in the Polish part of the Białowieża Forest".

On November 29 at the Conference and Exhibition Center in Sękocin Stary, was held a conference entitled "Archaeological heritage in the Polish part of the Białowieża Forest". This event has created a space to bend over the results of several years of inventory research and take part in the panel discussion "Heritage in forests - research, protection, management and dissemination". The conference was organized on behalf of the Forest Research Institute and the Hereditas Foundation.

The conference summarized the current state of knowledge, and on the other focused on the unique and previously unknown cultural resources of the Forest. First of all, their genesis, management methods and possibilities of using large-scale archaeological inventories. The event gathered many participants, representatives of sectors such as science, archeology and forestry. Among them were also employees of the Forbiosensing team, who, in parallel with the sessions, promoted the project at a specially prepared promotional stand. At it, people were informed about current tasks carried out as part of the project and all questions that arose from the participants of the conference were answered. The project has to some extent contributed to the improvement of activities carried out by the Hereditas Foundation. ForBioSensing provided data from the Polish part of the Białowieża Forest, which was based on airborne laser scanning performed in the project.

It's great that we were able to present the ForBioSensing project to all participants and take part in this unique event.


Text. W.Duranowska

Photos. E.Kuciewicz, J.Stepnik