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ForBioSensing on the VI LIFE Platform Meeting - LIFE+ for Janowskie Forests

On 18-19 of July in Janów Lubelski, was held the sixth meeting of LIFE projects. This year's event took place on the initiative of the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Lublin, the coordinating beneficiary of the LIFE13 NAT / PL / 000032 project, "In harmony with nature - LIFE + for Janów Forests".

Organized Platform Meetings are intended to exchange good practices and enable participants to create a field for exchange of experience gained as part of their activities in LIFE projects. In the program of this year's meeting, many categories of discussions have been realized. The following topics were addressed in them: LIFE project settlements, reporting to the KE and NFOŚiGW, accounting issues; maintaining sustainability of the project and good practices, which broadly discussed issues related to the division of roles in the project (PR, and substantive), and solving the difficulties encountered in the implementation of LIFE projects (team shortages, difficulties with employment, work dimension) or communication issues (effective communication with the project supervisor, participation of meetings / workshops, sharing ideas and experience).

Issues have also been taken that are directly related to the LIFE + Forbiosensing project. The representatives of our team were fully involved in the discussion, sharing the experience with the participants, in particular those gained in accounting matters and related to issues related to project management. The chamber elements of this event in the program were integrated with numerous activities - a walk with a guide to Uroczysko Kruczek, a popular tourist route and a bicycle tour, the aim of which was to present the effects of active protection of Janowskie Forests.

While admiring the effects of the activities carried out in the project "In harmony with nature - LIFE + for Janowskie Forests", ie small water reservoirs to improve the existence of the crested newt, on marshy meadows surrounding such objects, participants could see the Tigger Striped, original spider, which owes its name coloration similar to tiger fur.

Thank you to the organizers for the opportunity to participate in the meeting. Do you know where the VII Platform Meeting will take place in 2020?


Text. W.Duranowska, D.Korzybski

Fig. ForBioSensing, P.Mikołajczyk