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Visit of the auditor from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
Last week we had the pleasure to host an auditor from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. For a few days, our activity was subjected to a thorough assessment, to verify the compliance and correctness of our everyday practices in the project with the co-financing agreement on this basis.
The audit started with the opening meeting. Deputy Project Manager, Damian Korzybski, welcomed the auditor and introduced him to the main areas of activity and purposefulness of the project. He discussed the scope and organization of project activities and agreed and confirmed the audit plan. Next, the auditor proceeded to control one of the most difficult, and at the same time the most complex stage - documentation review. The documents from all 4 years of the project have been verified. Documents regarding fixed assets and public procurement were among the documents inspected. We had the opportunity to prove that our project is based on legal compliance, good practices and attention to order and order in the workplace.
On the second and third day of the audit, the control of the operation of our project took place at the Forestry Research Institute in Białowieża. After the document control was completed, a monitoring test was carried out, purchased as part of fixed assets. The auditor had the opportunity to see how such equipment works as: tachmietry, GPS, laser scanner and Pressler's drills. The auditor also verified the progress of material works described in the contract. The selected dendrometric, tax and spruce surfaces as well as surfaces in gaps and meteorological stations, which regularly monitor the weather condition on three Bialowieza glades (see www.forbiosensing.pl, Meteoportal tab) were checked.
During the inspection, the visual identification products ForBioSensing were subject to verification: promotional boards, roll-ups, leaflets and stickers with logos, which, according to the project's implementation assumptions, must be on every purchased and manufactured product under the LIFE + ForBioSensing project. We are waiting impatiently for the official information with the results of the audit and we hope that it will be positive.
Text. W.Duranowska, D.Korzybski
Photos. Damian Korzybski