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After Busko Zdrój ... Networking - Meeting with UNEP / GRID - Warsaw
After the meeting of LIFE projects in Busko Zdrój (http://www.forbiosensing.pl/aktualnosci/-/journal_content/56/20182/52619), we invited one of the projects participating there for the next meeting. On 15 February 2019 employees of the UNEP / GRID-Warsaw Center, representing the LIFE Green-Go! Project, came to the headquarters of the Forest Research Institute in Sękocin. Local initiatives for shaping green infrastructure in Natura 2000 areas in the Carpathians (LIFE Green-Go! Carpathians).
During the meeting, we presented our activities, set goals and discussed the methods of project activities. Then, we started a discussion about the possibility of working out a strategy - implementing, adapting and transferring the achieved results. The methodologies of analyzing large forest areas developed in the LIFE + ForBioSensing PL project, using remote sensing data, can be used to analyze other forest areas in Europe. This is an important achievement of the project, it was not known in advance how to obtain data on selected features of trees or forests, and now we have worked out ways and shared this knowledge by publishing it in scientific magazines. On the other hand, geoinformation tools, experience and good practices in the LIFE Green-Go project! Carpathians can be very useful in the necessary process of dissemination and practical application of specialized natural data among non-specialist recipients - eg local governments, organizations and other stakeholders, including local communities or tourists - to promote knowledge of nature, support decision-making processes, sustainable space development, or ecological education.
The goal of the LIFE Green-Go project! Local initiatives for shaping green infrastructure in the Natura 2000 areas in the Carpathians (LIFE Green-Go! Carpathians) are supporting the local dimension of cooperation for the participatory formation of green infrastructure in Natura 2000 sites. This task is to disseminate knowledge about the role and importance of green infrastructure, dissemination of good practices of spatial management in Natura 2000 areas on an international scale, and promotion of the use of spatial data resources and geoinformation tools useful in spatial management in valuable natural areas.
More information about the project: http://www.zielonainfrastruktura.karpatylacza.pl/
We hope that the meeting will also contribute to the creation of new joint projects, also financed from the LIFE Program.
Photos. ForBioSensing
Text. W.Duranowska, D.Korzybski