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Forest in numbers: The share of dead wood

Dead wood is an indispensable component of the forest ecosystem. It significantly influences the increase of the natural diversity of the forest. In the project, we monitor its quantity in various parts of the Forest. On the basis of fieldwork from 2017, we can conclude that Poland is part of the Bialowieza Forest rich in dead wood. The average thickness of dead wood determined on the monitoring surfaces of the ForBioSensing project is 94 m3 per one hectare. It is over 15 times more than the national average. The largest share of dead wood was found on monitoring sites located in the "Reserve Ścisłe" of the Białowieża National Park, there is 157 m3 / ha. Slightly smaller but equally high value was found on the monitoring areas of the Białowieża National Park outside of the "Strict Nature Reserve". There is an average of 111 m3 of dead wood per one hectare. Also high values ​​were recorded in the forests of the Białowieża Forest outside the National Park. In the Nature Reserves there is an average of 125 m3 of dead wood per ha, and in economic forests, in addition to reserves of 74 m3 / ha.

More information about the share of dead wood in the Bialowieza Forest can be found on our website www.forbiosensing.pl under this link: http://www.forbiosensing.pl/…/LK+r…/e3c721de-6bcc-408b-830c-568d72e2d835

Dead wood is also beautiful. His various forms were immortalized in photographs by our employees during monitoring works.


Text. D.Korzybski, W.Duranowska
Photos. Ł.Kuberski, K. Rzeczycki, M.Lisiewicz