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ForBioSensing at the #COP24 in Katowice
On the fifth day of the international climate summit, the Forest Day was held in Katowice's Spodek. Representatives from countries around the world took part in a number of discussion panels, whose aim was to present ways to combat climate change by conducting sustainable forest management, in particular bonding atmospheric carbon through planned activities, eg increasing the share of tree species with high biomass accumulation potential in forests and introducing more sub-stitches.
During the Forest Day, the speech was presented by the project manager ForBioSensing - dr hab. Krzysztof Stereńczak. He gave a lecture entitled "Carbon storage estimation in forest ecosystems." In which he thoroughly explained the method of calculating carbon dioxide absorption by forests using remote sensing data and led the panel Fri. 'The role of multifunctional and sustainable forest management in achieving a balance between anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and their reduction by sinks'. During the whole day, a project stand was presented, where the project employees presented a terrestrial laser scanner and distributed project leaflets.
The Polish stand at # COP24 commissioned by the State Forests attracted many participants of the Climate Conference. Representatives of countries from around the world admired the spatial installation consisting of spruce wood fixed from the floor to the pavilion ceiling, inhaled forest aromas emitted by special devices, listened to forest forest signaling concerts and admired the biodiversity of Polish forests on three-dimensional screens. Thank you to the State Forests for the opportunity to present the ForBioSensing project to such a large international audience!
Photos. CILP
Text: D.Korzybski, W.Duranowska