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Reception of meteorological stations - a milestone in the creation of the Meteorological Information System for the Bialowieza Forest

The Forbiosensing team, during tasks performed in the Białowieża Forest, collects data on many features of trees and stands of the Białowieża Primeval Forest. The condition and development of tree stands depends, inter alia, on weather conditions occurring in the Forest. As part of the ForBioSensing project, the launch of three automatic meteorological stations was planned. Works related to the launch of Meteoportal are coming to an end.

The representative of our team, Damian Korzybski, in the presence of Białowieża specialists - Dorota Raczkowska Paluch and Krzysztof Szyłak, picked up three automatic meteorological stations installed in the Białowieża Forest this week from the Contractor. The meteorological stations placed on three Bialowieza forest clearings make automatic measurement of the following weather parameters at 10-minute intervals:

air temperature at a height of 2 meters [°C],
air temperature at a height of 0.5 meters [°C],
air temperature at a height of 5 centimeters [°C],
soil temperature at a depth of 5 cm [°C],
soil temperature at a depth of 20 cm [°C],
soil temperature at a depth of 50 cm [°C],
dew point temperature [°C],
air humidity at a height of 2 meters [%],
air humidity at a height of 2 meters [%],
wind direction [°],
wind speed [m/s],
maximum wind speed [m/s],
temporary fall [mm],
the sum of rainfall [mm],
atmospheric pressure [hPa],
reduced pressure [hPa],
incident radiation [W/m2]

Soon, this summer - everyone interested will have the opportunity to check the current weather on the MeteoPortal launched under the Project.


Fot. Damian Korzybski

Text. D.Korzybski, W.Duranowska