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ForBioSensing, our activities in the Bialowieza Forest: Gaps in the forest stand and "Forest canopy".
The Forbiosensing team during the measurements performed in the Forest is an observer of many stages in the life cycle of trees. Today, we mention one of them: the situation when in the forest one or more trees die or fall over and the surfaces of the forest are left, which are called "gaps".
The process of creating gaps is important from the point of view of stand monitoring. Their creation is a very important part of the forest development cycle in which the species composition of future stands is shaped. The remote sensing data used by our specialists allows us to assess the species composition of the trees and the range of the gaps. In the field, the team collects information about the ways of renewing, rejuvenating and regenerating stands using the emerging gaps.
The trees surrounding the gap over time overgrow the open surface forming a "forest canopy". Thanks to the creation of loopholes in the forest stand, tree species get a new chance - the resulting gap is filled with new trees. The whole process is called the dynamics of the gap.
Photo: Karol Rzeczycki, Text: W.Duranowska, D.Korzybski