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The H2020 project BACI Detecting changes in essential ecosystem and biodiversity properties - towards a Biosphere Atmosphere Change Index and the Forest Research Institute executing ForBioSensing LIFE+ project PL Comprehensive monitoring of stand dynamics in Białowieża Forest supported with remote sensing techniques have recently become Associated Partners.
Both projects will have the opportunity to share experiences gained in the framework of the projects, participate in some new scientific activities as well as join workshops and meetings.
Project BACI Detecting changes in essential ecosystem and biodiversity properties - towards a Biosphere Atmosphere Change Index is led by Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany. BACI´s consortium consists of terrestrial remote sensing, biodiversity and big data processing experts as well as innovative methods in biogeochemistry, terrestrial ecosystem modelling, biodiversity monitoring and modelling and socio-ecological changes assessments specialists.
The main user group benefitting from BACI will be scientists across disciplines and application areas ranging from biodiversity conservation to ecosystem ecologist, and scientists working at the interface of social and ecological systems.
Content author: Olga Jasińska - Promotion Specjalist in ForBioSensing Project.