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On 14th of September 2017 we had a chance to participate in a conference summarizing LIFE ObservaTREE project – an integrated early warning system for tree pests and diseases using citizen science which we had some nice and fruitful cooperation with. Besides celebrating achievements of this pioneering LIFE ObservaTREE project there were also presented networking projects co-funded by LIFE programme, a.o. LIFE+ ForBioSensing project.

The main aim of the conference was to share developed methods in the scope of early warning system for tree pests and diseases, gained experience and to present plans for the future connected with the project continuation. Additionally, during the part dedicated to networking activities, there were four LIFE projects that have had collaboration with ObservaTREE project. Among those projects there were also LIFE+ ForBioSensing project. 

Olga Jasińska gave a presentation entitled Multilevel monitoring of Białowieża Forest stands and the volunteers involvement in the ForBioSensing LIFE+ project where she introduced the audience with the main goals of the project, applied monitoring methods, all promotion activities used in the project and presented activities connected with voluntary work. Presented issues attracted the audience who asked detailed questions during discussion panel. It was a chance not only to exchange knowledge and experience in the framework of LIFE programme, strengthen and broaden international cooperation but also to gain new knowledge in the scope of citizen science and to promote the project on an international arena.